Ear Care & Ear Syringing
If you need care for your ears please read and follow this advice before contacting the Practice: What is earwax?...
Menopause Clinic
On the first Monday of every month we offer a drop in Group Menopause Clinic in the Lower Building in...
Pain & Arthritis Group Clinic
Held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month: we offer an opportunity for our patients to engage in group participation...
AMG Patient FAQ’s regarding new appointment system
What hours will eConsult be switched on? We are going to start with it on from 8am to 4pm but...
NHS Health Checks
If you are between 40-74 years of age with no long-term health conditions such as Diabetes or Heart Disease, we...
Health promotion
All doctors and practice nurses can advise you on leading a healthier lifestyle and disease prevention. Healthy Living referrals can...
Family planning
All doctors are able to provide general contraception advice, provide monitoring, repeat prescriptions of pills and give depot injections. Dr...
DMARD monitoring service
If you are being prescribed disease-modifying drugs, usually for arthritis, from your hospital consultant we are able to carry out...
Minor surgery
We can remove small lumps and bumps without the need to refer you to a hospital . Please submit an...
Chronic Disease Clinics for Long Term Conditions
For all of our chronic disease clinics you will be sent an invitation letter when you are due to book...
Cervical screening
All women aged 25-64 years are invited for cervical screening in a three or five year screening cycle, depending on...
Baby and child health
Health visitors make developmental checks in children from birth to 5 years of age. Appointments are sent out as children...
Social Prescribing GP Link Workers
Employed by our PCN Well up North, Link workers are attached to specific Practices to help patients, their families and...
Veteran health check
Veterans are entitled to a health check with their GP Practice, please contact the Practice to arrange your Veteran Health...
Urgent appointments To request an urgent appointment (Monday to Friday) use our appointment request form, Monday to Friday from 7am...
Covid-19 and flu vaccinations
Flu and COVID-19 spread more easily in winter usually from October, peaking from December and can cause you serious illness....
Ordering repeat prescriptions The easiest ways to order repeat prescriptions are: using your NHS account (through the NHS website or...
Are you caring for or supporting a relative, friend or neighbour? Are you helped or supported by a relative, friend...
Managing your health online
Using an online form There are many things you can do online at our surgery. Some tasks you can do...
Non-NHS services
The NHS does not pay for some of our services. For example: private sick notes insurance forms holiday cancellation forms...
Find out about referrals on the My Planned Care website.
Find out more about the clinics and services available at the surgery.